Self-defence seminar part 2
Hi Everyone
This Tuesday, 17 August, is the second part of our self-defence seminar. Our normal classes between 6:00pm and 8:30pm at Churchill Park School will be combined again. We ask all regular students of those classes to attend the seminar, and it is also open to students from our other classes who are:
- 12 years and older, or
- green belt and above if under 12 years.
Please note that this seminar may include some colourful language that is unbecoming a Taekwon-Do practitioner but may be experienced in a self-defence situation.
The seminar will cover content from the “Self-defence handbook, coloured belt syllabus”, including material from Parts 1 and 2 – we will cover both the psychology of self-defence and physical response. This seminar will be suitable for both Taekwon-Do practitioners and complete beginners.
We will have visitors from our local Mariners group joining us for this seminar.

Self-defence coloured belt syllabus handbook available from Master Banicevich for $20.