Please email me your goals

Hi Parents and Students

I am trying to improve the service we offer.

When people enquire about trying Taekwon-Do, I ask what they want to get from Taekwon-Do classes. I take a mental note of this information and record it with my enquiries, but I haven’t had the systems to make this information available to instructors each class.

Presently I am modifying my attendance database to store goals for each student. I will soon modify it so that in each class, the instructor will have access to each student’s goals. That way we can better teach to meet your specific goals.

To populate the database, please email me your current training goals. For young children, parents please email your goals for each child.

Goals change, so I am asking you for your latest goals. I’ll also create the database functionality so we can update student goals each year (or as required).

I value your feedback on this initiative, and I hope that it enables us to offer you a better Taekwon-Do experience.


Master Banicevich.