Gear for sale at our end of year barbecue
Hi Parents and Students
We have excess equipment and I have nowhere to store it. Hence, I am selling off the gear that isn’t part of our sets of equipment (it is harder to store), and some of our older gear, that is excess to our needs.
Email me if you would like to buy any of this equipment – first in, first served. Cash or usual bank account are both fine. Details and prices caption each photo. Most items are photographed twice, front and back (or two angles). Measurements are to about the closest centimetre.
We will bring whatever is left to our end of year barbecue to sell. We need this gone from our house, so what doesn’t sell at the barbecue will end up on TradeMe.

Small black and white pad, worn, firm, 35cm x 19cm x 9cm – $5.

Yellow and grey air shield, worn, needs air and minor repair, 73cm x 21-36cm x 13cm – $10.

Curved black kick shield, firm, minor wear, 60cm x 39cm x 13cm – $80.

Blue kick shield, worn, needs repair, soft, 70cm x 37cm x 14cm – $5.

Red and black kick shield, some wear, soft, 70cm x 37cm x 14cm – $20.

Blitz shin guards, extra small, $10.

Macho dip foam headgear, small, $20.

Macho dip foam headgear, small, 2 sets available, $20ea.

Top Ten leather gloves, medium, quite good condition (retail $120), $45

Top Ten leather boot, medium, quite good condition (retail $120), 1 set available, $45ea

Top Pro vinyl boots, medium, fair condition, $25.

Top Ten leather gloves, small, good condition (retail $120), $45

Top Ten vinyl boots, extra small, good condition, $30