Christmas gifts for your favourite Taekwon-Do student
Hi Parents
At this time of year, I am often asked about gift ideas for Taekwon-Do students. This post outlines a number of options for you. I can arrange any of these items for you. Email me your request, and make the payment into our usual bank account (12-3031-0534631-51).
- Free sparring gear;
- A second dobok (uniform);
- Taekwon-Do syllabus books.
Free sparring gear
We regularly free spar in class. This is where we use Taekwon-Do techniques to score points with our hands and feet against a live opponent. The most essential piece of equipment is the mouthguard, which is now included with the starter pack for new students. Next, are gloves, boots, and headgear. Green belts and above are required to have free sparring gear at grading, but students of much lower grades benefit from this equipment in class.

Free sparring gloves and boots, $170 per set ($85 for gloves, $85 for boots). Mighty Fist black vinyl.

Free sparring head protector, $99. Mighty Fist black approved. (Blue and red also available at $149 each, or $269 for both.)
Mouthguards are also available – $10 each.
As we move into summer, training is much hotter. Students who train twice or more per week may find that one uniform is difficult to get clean and dry between sessions – and may start to smell. For pre-teens and above, training twice per week, we recommend owning at least two uniforms.

Mighty Fist beginner uniforms, $90 each. Please include the student’s height with your order. There are also uniforms available in a higher quality fabric for $99.
We have a range of Taekwon-Do books available for students.
- Self-defence handbook ($25) – recommended for all students yellow belt and above. Covers the theory and psychology of self-defence, and illustrates self-defence techniques in the coloured belt syllabus, and contains extensive photos and descriptions.
- Pattern workout book ($20) – recommended for all students green belt and above. Contains descriptions of every movement in every pattern in Taekwon-Do.
- Yellow belt syllabus handbook ($25) – a must have for all yellow belts and above. Continuing from the white belt handbook, this book explains, with photographs, everything a student must learn at yellow belt and green stripe, and includes useful background information.
- 9th gup syllabus handbook for kids ($20) – a must have for all children who grade from white belt to yellow stripe, and started with the 10th gup syllabus handbook for kids. Continues the child’s journey with friendly pictures and exercises.
- Coloured belt syllabus handbook ($20) – essential for students green belt and above. It lists grading requirements for all grades from white belt to black stripe. Kids version also available with simpler language and more pictures.
- Black belt syllabus handbook ($20) – essential for red belts and above. It lists and includes grading requirements to attain black belt levels from first degree upwards.
- White belt syllabus handbook ($25) – given to students about 10 and above when they join International Taekwon-Do. Students who joined as young children, and now have a strong reading level, will benefit from this book. This book explains, with photographs, everything a student must learn at white belt and yellow stripe, and includes useful background information.
- 10th gup syllabus handbook for kids ($20) – given to students about 9 and below when they join International Taekwon-Do. Replacements available.
- Taekwon-Do Kubz syllabus handbook ($35) – given to new Taekwon-Do Kubz when they join International Taekwon-Do. Replacements available.

Self-defence coloured belt syllabus handbook, $25.

Pattern workout book, $20.

Yellow belt syllabus handbook (yellow belt and green stripe) – $25.

9th gup (yellow stripe) syllabus handbook for kids, $20.

Coloured belt techniques syllabus for adults, $20.

Coloured belt syllabus for kids, $20.

Black belt syllabus handbook, essential for red belts and above – $20.

White belt syllabus book (white belt and yellow stripe) – $25.

10th gup (white belt) syllabus handbook for kids, $20.

Taekwon-Do Kubz student manual, $35.