Christmas gifts and stocking fillers
Hi Parents
Christmas is coming, and we have a range of great Taekwon-Do equipment and resources that will be great for your favourite Taekwon-Doin (Taekwon-Do practitioner). I order these from our supplier, so don’t leave your order too late, lest we run out of time, or they run out of stock! Email Master Banicevich to order.
Free sparring gear
Free sparring gear makes a great Christmas gift. It keeps your favourite Taekwon-Doin safe during free sparring exercises, and greatly increases the enjoyment of free sparring. Gloves and boots together cost $140 (MightyFist black vinyl).
Free sparring gear is required from green belt level, and often used in class much earlier!
Free sparring head protection is also available. This is usually $149, and is presently on sale for $99.
We also have clear moldable mouth guards for $10 each.
Kicking shields are available for $135.
Kicking paddles are available for $50 each.
Syllabus books
Syllabus books make great stocking fillers!
We have a valuable library of books available to help you in your Taekwon-Do journey. See your instructor or contact us to buy a book.
All books are $20 (plus postage if applicable).
The self-defence handbook is essential for students of yellow belt and above. It contains over 70 pages of photographs and information detailing the self-defence part of the coloured belt syllabus from yellow belt to first degree black belt. Even for those who are not Taekwon-Do students, this book contains valuable information about keeping yourself safe in New Zealand today, including the psychology of self-defence.
The coloured belt techniques handbook contains lists of the content required for each grade from white belt to first degree black belt. It includes all theory required at each grade.
The coloured belt techniques handbook for kids contains lists of the content required for each grade from white belt to first degree black belt, modified to be suitable for children. It includes all theory required at each grade in simplified language, and it includes a few drawings and photographs.

Children’s syllabus book 2, yellow stripe to yellow belt.
Children have special handbooks to help them through to yellow belt. Once they attain yellow stripe, there is a second handbook to progress to yellow belt. These contain activities for children, and information so parents can follow their child’s progression.
The pattern workout book is essential for students from yellow belt and above. It describes every movement of the 24 patterns of Taekwon-Do in full detail, so students can learn the names of movements, the stances, the tools and the heights.
The black belt techniques handbook is essential for black belt students. It contains lists of the content required for each grade from white belt to first degree black belt. It includes all theory required at each grade. There is a lot to know at black belt levels, and this book is 60 pages.
The white belt handbook is included with the joining fee for new students of suitable reading age. It contains over 80 pages of photographs and information useful to new students, including a complete explanation of everything you need to know to get from white belt to yellow belt.
Free with joining fee for those over 9. Replacement: $20.

Children’s syllabus book 1, white belt to yellow stripe.
The mini-kids handbook is included with the joining fee for new students of younger ages (other than Taekwon-Do Kubz, who get the Taekwon-Do Kubz manual). It contains drawings and information useful to young students, including lists of what you need to know to get from white belt to yellow stripe.
Free with joining fee for those under 10 (other than Kubz, who get the Kubz manual). Replacement: $20.