Recorded Zoom classes the week of 20 September 2021

Hi Everyone

The links to our schedule of 9 Zoom classes each week is here. Recordings of this week’s classes are below. We have four children and junior grade classes, two adult and senior grade classes, one for Taekwon-Do Kubz, one for parents and children, and one for the Boosabum Development Squad.

Monday 20 September 2021, children and junior grades

Review for grading, complete your syllabus handbook, fundamental movements for 10th and 9th gup, saju jirugi, saju makgi, Chon-Ji, 3-step sparring, warm down and stretch.

Monday 20 September 2021, Boosabum Development Squad

With Dr Valles – warm up, abdominal and core exercises, leg exercises, patterns in a box, own pattern, plank exercises, warm down and stretch.

Tuesday 21 September 2021, children and junior students

Joint rotations, basic kicks to warm up, combination kicks with Mr Sapir, syllabus at each grade (including children’s grades) from white belt to yellow stripes going for yellow belt, warm down and stretch.

Tuesday 21 September 2021, adults and senior students

Joint rotations, body weight circuit warmup including basic kicks, fundamental kicks for each grade, step sparring for each grade, warm down and stretch.

Wednesday 21 September 2021, children and junior students

Free sparring footwork to warm up, fundamental movements for white belt, saju jirugi, saju makgi, fundamental movements for yellow stripe (and some for yellow belt), spot turning and step turning, 3-step sparring alone, Dan-Gun, warm down and stretch.

Thursday 22 September 2021, children and junior students

Joint rotations, review hand and foot parts, kicks with chair (front rising, side rising, front snap, turning, side piercing), crossing for saju jirugi and saju makgi, stepping for saju jirugi, Chon-Ji, Dan-Gun, consecutive kicks, warm down and stretch.

Thursday 22 September 2021, adults and senior grade students

Joint rotations, light front and back kicks, rising kicks with chair, leg strength with chair (turning kicks, side piercing kicks, side kick dips), consecutive and combination kicks, short sequences from patterns, own pattern, warm down and stretch.

Saturday 24 September 2021, Taekwon-Do Kubz

Grading, not recorded.

Saturday 24 September 2021, parents and children

Warm up footwork, 3-step sparring, four direction punch, Chon-Ji, release from wrist grabs, warm down and stretch.

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